Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Drawing the Shortstraw - Not always a bad thing!

Shortstraw is an art based surfwear brand from Noosa on the Sunshine Coast in QLD. They do things how they should be done. Now, you might be thinking "hey they're a surfing brand", while this may be true Shortstraw are far from the multi national types that feed off the surf industry like vampires. They're soulful, arty and just so happen to make some rad boardies that are perfect for bodyboarding! A higher cut on alot of their gear makes leg movement easy and fluid. So next time your extra long, logo drenched, rash enducing boardies stop you from doing that perfect spin into the barrel or that extra big split leg invert. Drop into Bodyboardshop or click here and grab some Shortstraw's and show us ya legs!

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