Saturday, 20 September 2008

LSC, you had me at HELLO!!

The Lucky Squirrel Club's debut release finally arrived at Bodyboardshop this week. HELLO is a breath of fresh air in a market that can sometimes feel a little stale. The footage is world class and has been filmed in locations like Hawaii, Chile, Australia & Ireland. It's from the latter that the LSC have gathered the bulk of their action from for HELLO. With amazing colours and perfect waves the action from the emerald isle is a highlight. With riders like Jake Stone, Thomas Robinson, Ryan Mattick, Pierre Louis-Costes & heaps heaps more the level of riding is exceptional. Like a palate clensing sorbet after a main meal the lifestyle footage soothes the senses between the surfing sections giving the viewer a candid look into the lives of the travelling bodyboarder. The soundtrack to HELLO is what really gives the movie it's laid back vibe, balancing perfectly between amping dance-pop to slow moody indie.
HELLO comes in a 100% hand made case with a limited edition "hammer time" cap.

Check the teaser clip here and then click here to get your hands on a copy!

hello- thank god its fatal/powerpoint from allan wilson on Vimeo.

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